
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Friends

Today, I continue to be as thankful for my family and my health as I was last week. My list today goes beyond my home to some other blessings in my life - friends!

1) My friends: I have said before and I will say it again, I have the best friends in the world! When I was sick, I had meals delivered to my home every other night for 3 months! I had donated paid time off for 4 months! My sorority alumnae group packed my freezer! I could go on and on with stories like these of friends who have been there for me through thick and thin! Who are friends you are thankful for?

2) A best friend: My best friend has been my best friend since we were 4! We lived 2 houses apart then - we live 2 hours apart now. ATT is thankful for our friendship! Everyone needs a best friend! Who is your best friend?

3) A "Circle of Friends" for Annie at church! Our church, Valley View Baptist has a special needs ministry. Because of some very special volunteers, she is able to participate in activities with her age group, attend worship, and participate in activities with other friends - all on her terms. For our family, it means that we can worship and participate in our own activities, knowing that she is being loved on and having her needs met. For her to have a class of her own is very cool! Enjoy this photo of her with a couple of her sweet friends.  Are you enjoying a "circle of friends" wherever you are?  
4) Baseball season: Opening night for college baseball is on Friday. We love the game, celebrating when our teams win, and most of all enjoying our "baseball friends".  We cheer for the Alabama Crimson Tide, the Minnesota Twins, the Cincinatti Reds, the Los Angeles Dodgers and any other team that involves someone we know!  Just for fun - Who's your favorite team?

 5) An awesome Adult Bible Study group:  We are part of a couples class that is characterized by a very giving spirit. When there is a need, this group of friends is quick to meet it. So thankful for our leadership, our mission and our community spirit! So what are you thankful for today?

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