
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Spring Break!

And just like that, it's Thursday again! Where does the time go? Well, it's Spring Break around here and it has been a pretty "laid back" week so far! Today, I am thankful for:

1) A break from the routine! A chance for the family to enjoy time together without the hustle and bustle of our normal routine. A time to get away from the homework, test, laundry, deadlines, etc.!

2) Time for some rest and relaxation! No alarm clocks! Don't have to be anywhere at any certain time! I've read more this week than I have in the past 6 months!

3) Beautiful spring weather! Not too hot, not too cool - perfect for enjoying baseball, reading outside on the porch, playing outside and all the things we enjoy doing.

4) For a vacation AND a "staycation"! I have read some commentary this week about whether or not you really have to go away for spring break or just have fun at home. I am thankful that we have experienced both - a couple of days away and some time at home - a winning combination!

5) My cousins - this weekend, I will have the opportunity to host my first cousins and their families for our first "Cousin's Day". My grandparents on my Dad's side, Papa and Granny, had 13 children - 11 of which they raised to adulthood (one died as an infant and one at age 9). So I have over 40 first cousins!! I am so excited about those who will be able to join us this weekend for a fun time to enjoy what we used to enjoy every week!! Growing up, we went to Papa and Granny's every Sunday. Granny always cooked and we just all showed up. She didn't ever know exactly who was coming but there was always plenty of food, complete with peach pie and/or chocolate pudding. I'll be trying to make these this weekend and, if they turn out to be as good as hers, I'll share the recipes!! Somehow, I don't think they will, but maybe they will be close enough!

If you are on "Spring Break", I hope you are enjoying your vacation or "staycation" and finding time to stop and be thankful for your many blessings! If your spring break is yet to come, then look forward to it, anticipating some great time for rest, relaxation and renewal - whatever you decide to do!

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