
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Stories of Survival

Jeremiah 33:6 - Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

As I pause today and reflect on thankfulness, I am forever and always thankful for my own personal recovery journey as well as those of others, some of which I will share with you today in hopes of inspiring you or others who may be going through a personal health crisis.

 Yesterday, at Auburn University, Shon Coleman returned to the football practice field! Shon has battled leukemia since signing with Auburn in 2010. Read more about him...

Last week, a new book was released - "Radiate" by Marley Gibson. I've mentioned it before, but now that I've read it, it bears repeating. "Radiate" tells the story of a fifteen year old cheerleader who survived cancer - the good, the bad and the ugly! I read the book, knowing the outcome and so thankful that Marley whose personal story was depicted in the book, is a published author, traveling the country and living her life to the fullest!

Quoting Marley,  " I "had" to have cancer because it made me a better person. It made me stronger so I could face the even stupider obstacles yet to face me in life. Things that were a piece of cake next to defeating cancer. I had to have cancer so I could share my story of triumph and overcoming in the hopes that just ONE other person would know that they could beat it too…that they weren’t alone…that people cared…people were praying…and people were cheering you on.." Well said, Marley!

 Thirteen years ago, former University of Southern Mississippi Baseball power hitter, Michael Artman, battled testicular cancer and won! Two days ago, Michael Daniel Artman, Jr. was born! You see, after all the chemotherapy and radiation that he required, Michael didn't know if he would be able to father a child. Congratulations to Michael, Katherine and Daniel, their "miracle baby"! 

Read more about this former USM baseball player and his amazing story!

Quoting Michael, "I mean, I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody, but I learned so much about life from it. It's made be a better person, a stronger person. I hope I can pass some of those lessons along to Daniel." Well said, Michael!

Shon, Marley, Michael, myself and countless others who have faced the diagnosis of cancer will never look at life the same! Everything means more! So thankful for God's healing power! So thankful that we can learn and grow from adversities in life! Let's not take life for granted and be thankful for each and every day!

God bless you today!


  1. Thank you sooooooooooooo much!!!

    Marley = )

  2. God bless YOU! Love you and miss you!
