
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Welcome Home Andrew!

For the past few weeks, I have been following the story of Andrew, a precious first grader who became ill with meningitis and encephalitis during the first week of the school year. Andrew's Mom and I worked together at the hospital several years ago. Long story short - 3 weeks ago tonight, Andrew was in critical condition and today he is home! He celebrated his 7th birthday this week and has already been discharged from one therapy! Whoo Hoo!

Throughout these 3 weeks, I followed Andrew through Facebook and Caring Bridge and I can say, without a doubt, that is has been a most inspiring experience to see the community rally around Andrew at a prayer meeting at his school, to read of Ashley and Daniel's amazing faith, to read SO many posts of encouragement to this family, to read the scripture that Ashley so consistently shared, to read Ashley's very honest accounts of all that Andrew was going through and feeling the power of prayer, to see the love of family and friends and to see the healing power of our Lord!

I would like to share an excerpt from Caring Bridge posted by Ashley on the day before they were discharged from Children's Hospital.

"Fast forward 2 weeks until this exact moment. All the events in the middle have still led us to this point-it's the same plan that it would've been. With all our prayers and the prayers of our friends, family, and community we have glorified the Lords name We are going home tomorrow! Andrew is coming with us! He's excited, we are excited and apprehensive at the same time. But the point is, is that we are to thank God for the victory. We need to praise his name that our time here on Earth with His child Andrew is not over yet. We need to praise him for the victory that throughout all of this, someone has grown closer to the Lord, someone's faith has grown stronger, someone has felt the Holy Spirit move them, families have grown and friendships have been made. God has works his ways in everyone of us. How can anyone NOT have experienced something in some way or another through this experience?"
So true! As I reflect on this passage from Ashley's heart, I am so thankful for the family and friends who have surrounded me and my family during difficult times; I am thankful that my child was one of those who got to come home from Children's Hospital after 2 months and a day, back in 2003; I am thankful for the power of prayer;  I am thankful for means of communication that we have to use to show support for family and friends and I am very thankful that Andrew is back at home and that he is doing so well!

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