
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Painting a Crimson Town Orange and Blue

This time last week, no one had any idea what our community was about to experience. On Saturday, a hunting accident took the life of 13 year old Will May. How did I know Will, you might ask? I didn't know Will personally but I wish that I had known him. Thanks to social media, I have read some pretty awesome tributes to this young man - always smiling, a helper, a friend, a big brother, precious boy, child of God, wonderful spirit, loving way, awesome cousin - just some of the kind words spoken about Will! We are talking about one 13 year old boy who made such an impact on others - in fact, I don't know anyone else who could paint this crimson town orange and blue.
See, Will was a very committed Auburn Football fan living in Tuscaloosa. To honor him, friends and family donned their best orange and blue attire (or in most cases borrowed some orange and blue attire) on the day before and the day of his funeral service. And the best part, not just friends and family but friends and family of his friends and family! Outside his own Rock Quarry Middle School, Northridge cheerleaders donned orange and blue ribbons, Hillcrest High School, Hillcrest Middle School and ACA basketball players added orange socks to their uniforms - these were just the ones I've seen - I know there were more. Hundreds, even thousands of people have gathered over the past few days to remember the life of young Will May  in one venue or another. It was said to be the largest crowd ever for a funeral service at First United Methodist Church. I remember that the funeral service of Bear Bryant was held there. Wow!
Today, I am thankful to live in a community who supports others in times of great need and for the life of Will May who is inspiring people across generations, denominations, organizations and communities. His legacy will live on in the hearts of many others. May we all strive to be described with the same words of character that have been used to describe Will!
Please pray for Will's parents, Guy and Beverly May, his sister, Meg, and all of his family and friends during the days ahead!
Just for Will - War Eagle!
Isaiah 40:31 but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.


  1. I didn't know Will May personally either but just for that sweet boy - War Eagle!!!

  2. Hi Carla,

    We have never met, but we are related by marriage. My grandmother is Joyce Allen Sorrell. She is married to my granddaddy. I have met Barry before when he worked for UA Athletics. I found your blog on facebook. I hope all of you are doing well. Please tell Barry I said hello!

    Susan Bazemore Canaan

    1. Thanks, Susan! I told Barry you said hello. Good to hear from you! We saw Joyce and Andy back in September at the Allen's anniversary celebration. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for reading my blog post!
