
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sweet Dreams - Sweet Ministry
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety........ Psalms 4:8
You will find this verse at the heart of the Sweet Dreams Ministry of the First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa. I was delighted to read an article in the April 2013 Missions Mosaic publication of the WMU about this sweet ministry.  It all began when Lisa Fitzgerald* made a cute pillow case for a young friend going through cancer treatment. Just ONE pillow case  - then just ONE pillowcase party and an ongoing ministry on it's way to making thousands of pillowcases - to provide comfort and support to so many children battling cancer working through children's hospitals in Birmingham, Memphis and Nashville.
Here is another sweet aspect of this story. The young girl who received the first pillow case seven years ago is now in remission (7 years later),  has a sewing machine of her own and is very active in this ministry.
The article concludes with a challenge to women's mission groups to bring "sweet dreams" to even more children.
"This is a demonstration of how God can take an idea of a kindness intended for one person and multiply it to touch thousands of other people."
Linda Humber - Director of FBC Ladies Ministry and Missions
For the full story, go to The Alabama Baptist
Who will take the challenge and provide more "sweet dreams" for children - through cutting, sewing, ironing, donating fabric and/or money?
*I've known Lisa since our single days at FBC way back when - what a way to use her talents to share the love of Christ!

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