
Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Red Bandanna - Remembering 9/11/01

Where were you on this day 15 years ago? I remember well that I was co-leading New Employee Orientation at DCH Regional Medical Center when some came in and told us the news. While I didn't have an active part in orientation at the time, I went back and forth to the PT department to keep up with the television reports and keep everyone posted. Disbelief and fear prevailed that this was happening in our country!

It will always be easy for me to remember how long ago this happened - it was the year my first child was born. She was almost 5 months old and all I could think about was what kind of country she was going to grow up in? I hurried home from work at the end of the day to hug her tightly and pray for our country - for her safety!

In 2012, on the 10th anniversary of the attack in New York City, Tom Renaldi of ESPN told this story of "The Man in The Red Bandanna". I ran across it again today. It is a beautiful story of a true servant who put others before himself and saved the lives of 12 people - a young guy named Welles Crowther, former Boston College athlete who worked in the 2nd tower. Listen to his story and be inspired by the heart of this young man!

As my friend, Gina, reminded me, 15 years ago today,
God was our refuge and strength and today he still is!

My reminder that God answered my prayers for this precious child that day!
Elle is 15 and loves NYC!
In 2015, Barry, Elle and I were able to visit the 911 Memorial in New York City and able to see, up close and personal, the area affected and the names of everyone who perished that day. Wish I had known to look for Welles Crowther - "The Man in the Red Bandanna"

The video begins and ends with the question "What would you do if it were your last hour?" and "Who would remember you?" Questions to ponder..... so, I pulled out a red bandanna, put it in place in my kitchen where I would see it every day and be reminded to make it all to count for something. It may not be saving lives as Welles did, but we call all do more for others.

"If this country could pull together and have compassion that is has every year on 9/11, this country could truly be wonderful in every aspect."...... Katie Toxey
Well said, my friend!

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