
Monday, August 20, 2012

A School Prayer

It's the first day back to school and with every new year comes both excitement and anxiety. This prayer was shared with me by a friend when Elle started to kindergarten. I keep it in my Bible and pray this prayer for my daughters every year at the start of school and other times as well.

A School Prayer
Lord, I entrust my child to You as she goes to school. May she sense your presence throughout the day. Help her to focus and concentrate and enjoy learning. Protect her from harm and keep her feet on your path. Grant her good friends and the ability to be a friend to those who are lonely. May she be the light to classmates who do not know Jesus. I pray for her teachers. Grant her wisdom, understanding, and love for each child. May Your blessings rest upon my child, the teacher all of the students, and the school.


Blessings to my precious daughters, Elle and Annie, and
to all their sweet friends for the 2012-2013 school year!

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