
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, THANKFUL THURSDAY, Fabulous Friday - These are the names we gave to the days of the week one day during car pool when Elle was in primary school. Our parting words in the mornings would be "Have a Marvelous Monday!", "Terrific Tuesday", etc. THANKFUL THURSDAY was the only one that required a response in the afternoon. Elle would name 5 things she was thankful for each Thursday when I picked her up at school. Some were flippant, some were funny and some were very reflective. Today I reflect on 5 things that I am thankful for today. 1) My health - a little over 8 years since my diagnosis of multiple myeloma, I am thankful for each and every day. I know others with the same diagnosis who haven't been so fortunate. I have a friend who is struggling with multiple myeloma right now. I pray for the same outcome for him. 2) My husband - when we said "I do" in 2000, we had no idea what "for better or worse" really meant.  I believe we now understand that completely through the life experiences that have come our way. Together, we make it through the good times and bad! I pray for my friend who just lost her husband at the young age of 50. 3) My awesome 10 year old daughter - I love that she is caring, thoughtful, creative and very strong willed! I pray for couples who are unable to have children. 4) My sweet 8 year old - I love that she is so happy most of the time despite her special needs. I love the she is very determined - her determination has brought her a long way. I pray for her friends who have serious medical needs. 5) A loving and supportive family - We are blessed on both sides to have a close extended family. I pray for those who can't say the same. On Thursday or any day, all we have to do is look around and we'll find others less fortunate. Hope you are having a THANKFUL THURSDAY!

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